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Shelagh has a wealth of experience, drawn from life as a parent of a young person with disabilities and over 25 years working in 2 successful special schools as a Teacher and Senior Leader. She was Assistant Headteacher at Chellow Heights School, a generic primary special school for children aged 2- 11 in Bradford West Yorkshire until her retirement in July 2015. 

Shelagh Continues to support School as a Specialist Communication Consultant and  reamins a member of the Govening Body

She successfully developed communication departments within her schools to meet the needs of pupils with a wide range of communication difficulties. Shelagh has also led several initiatives across the locality to promote the needs of young people with communication needs and has chaired several local professional networks to facilitate good practise across the local area. Check out the Bradford tactile communication website   

Both as a teacher and  a parent of a young adult with communication needs, Shelagh is passionate about the need to provide quality provision across all sectors and the importance of effective communication strategies to empower young people to lead enjoyable and fulfilling lives. She believes in order for this to be achieved, professionals and carers need to have the knowledge and skills to support effective communication and relationships.

Shelagh believes training is not just from manuals and notes, it's delivered from the rich resources of knowledge and understanding by people who believe passionately that making a difference matters. 

Her training days are both informative and practical. She hopes you will be inspired and leave with a greater knowledge and enhanced skills to take back to your setting to make a difference with the individuals you work with or care for. 

Shelagh is a Regional Makaton Trainer and has extensive knowledge and practice of low and light tech communication systems as well as high tech communication aids including eye gaze, working with PMLD students including extensive knowledge of Intensive Interaction ( as an Intensive Interacation Coordinator and practitioner) 


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