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Welcome to the Shelagh Crossley Specialist Communication Training website


We believe:

  • Communication is a fundamental human right 

  • Communication is a 2 way process

  • To be heard , we need to be listened to 

  • This is especially true if you have a communication difficulty or are using an alternative or augmentative communication (AAC) system to communicate.


If you are a communication partner to someone using AAC, your ability and willingness to receive and facilitate what your partner wants to say is vital.  You can make the difference and help someone to experience the delight of being heard and understood.


In This country we are justly proud of our freedom of speech, that we can say what we want. But I think there is an even more basic freedom than the freedom of speech and that is the freedom to speak.” Professor Steven Hawking


Whether we are supporting a child or adult with profound and multiple learning difficulties to develop very early communication skills or supporting the use of a high tech communication device, we need to have the skills and knowledge to enable successful communication to happen.

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